Our team of editors is dedicated to refining your written work, ensuring clarity, coherence, and accuracy.
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Our team of experienced copy editor and proofreader are ready to make your work shine.
Only seasoned and experienced human editors have the linguistic sensitivity to make your text resonate with your readers. After all, who knows best for a human's writing than humans.
We are incredibly fast! Our workflow runs 24/7, optimized to keep a +99% on-time delivery rate. Don’t worry for that 1%, they get a total refund.
AI-powered editing is nearly free but you’re here because you are looking for a human approach to your work. High-quality human linguistic craftsmanships are here for you, at reasonably human prices (starting from $0.02/word)
The result kinda reminded me MTV´s Pimp My Ride. I sent them a not-so-good 2000 words essay and got back a flamboyant text full of edits. Also, the additional feedback from Camille on the document was a plus. I definitely recommend Calliope AKA Pimp My Essay
For the first chapter of my PhD thesis, I resorted to Calliope because I wanted it to be perfect. Nick meticulously evaluated every bit of my text, from the contents to the footnotes. I learned quite a bit from his corrections and I´ll be able to avoid some errors in the future. It will be my go-to service for the remaining chapters of my dissertation.
Ben gave me an exceptional, well-timed, and meticulous feedback. I submitted a quite lengthy paper (13k words) and I had it back in just 3 days. Navigating the technical language of Limnology is no easy feat, but they made sure to edit it meticulously. I´ll send you my next paper soon.
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